Sunday 16 December 2012

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

 Most films will have a sponsor or will have some sort of representation. for this case a small cinema might host our film. If we had carried on making this film at the same rate, we would not have gotten this to a large scale cinema or representation.
 However this would have appealed to some target audiences. In some cases, home made movies have become more popular and have managed to reach a large scale such as 'paranormal activity'.
 Youtube is a very good way to get people interested in our film, You tube is currently the most visited site by young people and this is our target audience.

Youtube do show films and TV programs on the site. Even though this would be un-beneficial for us, it would get us views and could then be found by someone who would want to represent our film. I think that this would be the best way as we would want a sponsor to represent our film and not waste our money on something that might not work out for our film.
I also think that this could be an appropriate film to be shown on channel four if it had ever gotten succesful enough.

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