Monday 17 December 2012

Task four. as our age certificate for our film is 15, we think that our main target audience would be from the age of 15- 20 years old. We have researched into this to see which age group would be targeted best, young children are not able to watch the film in the first place due to the content of the film it's self, and older people are not very interested in this type of film. Teenagers would be our main target audience however as it seems that they are most interested in this genre (thriller/horror) as it seems they get a thrill out of watching these types of films, it would target the type of teenagers who like scary films and who like to try and figure out the plot of the movie. This would not be a great film for those who are scared easily however. This film has been put to a certificate 15 because it would include scenes that would not be appropriate for under the age of 15 and the plot of the movie also would not be very appropriate to watch if under the age of 15.

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