Monday 17 December 2012

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel that I have learnt a few things since then with my editing and shooting skills. I feel hat it was important to improve these skills as I knew the film opening would need more enhanced skills to ensure that the opening is as good as it can get. I feel as if I had worked hard to ensure that I had these skills in hand. 

We have used in our opening the 180 degree rule, ensure that the mis-en-scene is right the whole way through as this is very important to keep the same. We also used flash shots, slow motion and music in our film opening which were new skills. We used the tripod also to ensure we had a steady frame. We added film titles in appropriate text to fit in with our opening and genre.
overall I think that the opening sequence to our film went a lot better than our preliminary task  as we had a better understanding on how to edit and film scenes to a better standard which really helps and I think this will be much helpful in the future. I think that our final product is good but maybe we could add some improvements such as making sure our continuity is better for example.

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