Monday 17 December 2012

Technologies from the process of constructing this project. Here is a picture of me using the technical equipment which includes a Mac, Tripod, camera, and I-Movie. Without these, the would not have been able to create our film opening at all so these were vital to us whilst filming and editing.

To edit our film opening, we used I movie on the mac computers as this was the easiest and quickest way for us to do so as we were already familiar with this software as we had used it in previous tasks. Using the macs made it much easier for our group to do the editing and other tasks as we all knew how to use this well.

To actually film the opening sequence, we used a hand held camera as this was also the easiest way to do this as we already now how to use this from previous experience. We has done some 'practice' tasks before shooting the opening of our film to get a good understanding on how to use this beforehand. To stop any camera shake, we used a tripod which really helped us shoot our opening. We used this for most of the opening apart from a few acceptances where is was appropriate to not do so such as when the girl is in the cage
In this picture it shows three types of equipment that we used  to complete our opening sequence.

Tripod: this came in very handy in assuring the filming was straight and steady when it was needed. It made sure that when we were filming it made creating the shots a lot longer with steady movement, and also made when zooming much more of an ease in assuring it was kept straight. It is also good to use whilst in dark to ensure that we get a steady shot so it is easy to see. It also ensures that we get a clear shot that is not blurry.

The tripod just provides a steady, even stand for your camera, so that you are not holding the camera yourself. This means that you do not get blurred images, using your hands may cause un clear images.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using tripods;

Dis-advantages of using tripods are that they are large, take time to set-up,and can slow down the process of filming. Adjusting lens height is more time-consuming than with a monopod.
Advantages of using tripods is that they allow careful, precise composition, and help eliminate any blur that is caused by camera shake.


We also used a Mac computer to reaserch into other films and to help us plan our oppening sequence. The programs we used are Imovie to edit our opening sequence and to put all the film together to create a finished clip.

We also used a hand held video camera to create our oppening as we already knew how to use this as we used our own to do this instad of the schools hand held cameras. We had an advantage here as it was an HD camera whereas the schools cameras were not. Using a hand held camera was helpful as they are small and easy to carry ect and also easy to use.

1 comment:

  1. You need to actually evaluate the strengths and weakneses of each pice of technology. You also need to evaluate ALL the technology you've used - including for research and planning and evaluation.
