Saturday 15 December 2012

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Task five How did we attract/address your audience? In the first scene, nothing really makes any sense to the audience and this is the effect that we wanted. This way the audience will make assumptions about the one of the main characters, this is what will shock the audience when they realise what is happening. This first scene makes it obvious on what genre it is as the music adds to the effect. It shows a typical thriller horror film opening. Our next character is introduced through a flash image which also makes the audience confused, eventually it becomes almost clear to what is going on in the film but the rest of the film would reveal the true story. This opening can relate to many film openings such as Paranormal activity as there opening is similar as you don't know what is going to happen or what the plot is about, however the titles give away the plot towards the end. I think that we attracted our audience by making the opening mysterious, by doing this the audience want to know what is going on as most people would get frustrated when confused. We wanted our opening to be confusing to make sure the audience want to see more of the film to make total sense of what is happening. I think that the opening is very interesting as it has a twist to it too.

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