Wednesday 17 October 2012

Psycho Still 2

Psycho Stills

This image is also from 'Psycho' and it shows blood and water going to the drain which signifies her death. As the shower curtain breaks and the rings scatter all over the floor it seems like her last attempt to hold onto her life. The drain could conotate her afterlife as we dont know where it will lead to and the blood represents her. Her life is litterally draining away and I feel that this shot is ver significant in this scene. This would make a big impact on the audience because it makes them want to do something for her as she is helpless and vunerable and we can see this as she is naked and this connotates vunerablility. The drain is the main attraction in this shot as we can see the blood in the shot also and we carry on watching because we hope something will happen to the girl.

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