Thursday 25 October 2012


Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task.

Fot this task, we were asked to film a small shot which shows the 180 degree rule, our mis-en-scene and two people having a conversation. We chose to do a teacher having a conversation with a student. We showed a range of shots in this video. We first made a story board to make sure we knew what we were doing which was very helpful as we could refer to this when we were filming.

My role in this video was the director and this is where I showed people what to say, do and what should be filmed. I feel that this  was an important role as I had to decide a lot of things that would make the video look good and still show the 180 degree rule too. for the opening we used a panning shot to show the surroundings of the video. I made the characters sit down in this because it made it easier to shoot the 180 rule.

I am happy with the final result, it is a simple video but it still shows a range of different shots including the 180 degree rule. We edited the video to make it run smoother and I think we did this well, however I still think some elements could be improved such as the way the characters were positioned to give it a more professional approach. The shot reverse shot could also been improved as it was a bit edgy in a way. The filming was good overall but I think that we could have been a bit more steady. overall I think we worked very well as a group, I had fun making this video with the others and I think this is important as it makes the chemistry on screen much better. I do think we got on a bit to well though because it took many shots to get the right one as we got carried away slightly. Taking this all into consideration I think we did very well on this task. I would happily do it all over again.

Here are some shots of our video.

Interview with christopher Nolan. by emily_howlett on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


There are many different genres and sub genres to choose from. For our choice of genre is Thriller, we have chosen this because we find that Thriller plots are most interesting and is most popular to our age group.

You could say that these films are most popular to our age group because we have just come to the age where we are now old enough to view these certificates and are therefore more new and exciting to us!

My Group


 For my A-Level media I have made this blog to show my work to others. There are three others in my group, Ellie, Sam and Chioma. Together we will produce different pieces of work that will  show what we can do to the best of our ability.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Psycho Still 2

Psycho Stills

This image is also from 'Psycho' and it shows blood and water going to the drain which signifies her death. As the shower curtain breaks and the rings scatter all over the floor it seems like her last attempt to hold onto her life. The drain could conotate her afterlife as we dont know where it will lead to and the blood represents her. Her life is litterally draining away and I feel that this shot is ver significant in this scene. This would make a big impact on the audience because it makes them want to do something for her as she is helpless and vunerable and we can see this as she is naked and this connotates vunerablility. The drain is the main attraction in this shot as we can see the blood in the shot also and we carry on watching because we hope something will happen to the girl.

Psycho Still 1.

Psycho Stills.
This Image has been taken from the film 'Psycho' which was made around 50 years ago. This still shows us the main character who has just been stabbed and is slowly dying. This is a medium shot as it is showing us the upper top half of her body, this is significant as it makes us focus on her face which shows her expression. She is reaching out toward the audience which suggests that she wants us to help her and that she is trying to hold onto her life. She is in the center of the frame so this is what we tend to focus on. The mise-en-scene is quite bare but i think this is what make this shot so effective, she has a shadow on the wal behind her and I think this adds to the mystery of her murderer.